Here's this weeks photo, I invite you all to add your captions/quotes to this image
This photo was shot in backwaters of Alleppy from a moving boat.
My caption is "Gossiping"
My caption is "Gossiping"

Last "Caption This" post’s photo was shot in Munnar, Kerala, near Mattupetty Dam, this place is know to be frequented by wild elephants and we were lucky enough sight a herd. It was pretty interesting to watch how this youngster was watching and repeating what his/her mother was doing, it seemed like a training session for this youngster.
"Son, always remember to look right and left before crossing the greens." - One
The end. – Pat
"Me and Mini-Me" Anna I like this one too :)
"Um Honey, does this grass make Mommy's butt look big?" Kim
"i don't understand why the girls at work keep putting "wide load" signs on my rear! they know I'm sensitive about my weight" - tracy