This is my 100th post, it came faster than i thought it would, My journey so far in the blogosphere has been a wonderful experience. Thanks to all the visitor's and followers who make my day.
I thought let me mark this 100th post by sharing photo's of one of my favorite place, I feel in love with this place when I first visited here about 8 years back and the photo's shared here are from my second vist, hope you all enjoy
Himavad Gopalaswamy Betta (GS Hill) is located in the Chamarajanagar district of the state of Karnataka, It gets its prefix from its climatic condition, Dense mist predominates and covers these hills all round the year, HIMA in native language Kannada means mist. GOPALSWAMY is derived from the Ancient Temple on top of the hill dedicated to Lord Venugopala (another name for Lord Krishna) and BETTA means Hill (in Kannada) which is in the height of 2800 feet above sea level.
Click here to view photo's and read some interesting information of the beautiful Ancient Temple
I thought let me mark this 100th post by sharing photo's of one of my favorite place, I feel in love with this place when I first visited here about 8 years back and the photo's shared here are from my second vist, hope you all enjoy
Himavad Gopalaswamy Betta (GS Hill) is located in the Chamarajanagar district of the state of Karnataka, It gets its prefix from its climatic condition, Dense mist predominates and covers these hills all round the year, HIMA in native language Kannada means mist. GOPALSWAMY is derived from the Ancient Temple on top of the hill dedicated to Lord Venugopala (another name for Lord Krishna) and BETTA means Hill (in Kannada) which is in the height of 2800 feet above sea level.
Click here to view photo's and read some interesting information of the beautiful Ancient Temple

GS hills is also known for its picturesque views of the surrounding hills and valleys and there is no doubt that anyone who visits this place will fall in love with it instantly.

GS Hills is the higest point in Bandipur Wildlife santuary, in fact it is the highest peak in this region. The hill is home for many wild animals and exotic birds. Elephants rule this region, if we reach on top of the hill early morning we can see herds of elephants moving slowly along with their young one's.