
November 12, 2012

Happy Diwali

Week 3 of 52
I decided to talk a walk in the neighborhood and shoot some photos for week 3 of project 52 and here are some photos shot during the walk. 

Diwali is around the corner, for Hindu's Diwali is one of the most important festivals of the year. Its a festival of lights, triumph of light over darkness, triumph of good over evil. Streets are bursting with life and colors, everyone is shopping for the festival buying new cloths, lanterns and fireworks. 

It's a tradition to light a lamp and hang colorful lanterns and you can find shops selling these colorful lanterns. 

 its flowers everywhere, its time for the flower vendors to cash in 

Lights and decorations everywhere

Most of the shops have attractive offers and have their products on diplay

 After a day full of shopping, its time to spend some time together as a family and have some fun.


its dinner time, nothing like hot parata's with some spicy curry ;)

Hope you all enjoyed the photos.  See you all next week with new set of photos.  Happy Diwali to you all.
Our World Tuesday, Outdoor Wednesday, Tina's WW, Wordless Wednesday


  1. A very Happy Diwali to you, Sam!! I love all of your colorful captures for the day! It does look like such fun! Thanks for sharing it with us today!! Have a great week!


  2. Wow, what a wonderful and colorful post. I love the colorful lanterns and flowers. And it like so happy times with the family. Great series of photos, have a happy week ahead.

  3. Looks like a fun time ~ excellent photography ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  4. Thank you for your effort and these great impressions of your world. Please have a wonderful celebration and good Tuesday.

    daily athens photo

  5. What a great post. All the colorful decorations are so eye catching. The energy you captured is your first shot is wonderful. And the womens' shoes...I LOVE that picture. genie

  6. Very colorful, it looks like fun. Nice photos!

  7. What fun pictures especially the lines of shoes. have a wonderful Divali.

  8. thanks for sharing these wonderful pics with us! :)
