
November 29, 2009

The Ruin

One of the statues found in somnathpura temple which dates back to 12th century

Visit Monochrome Weekly


  1. Such an amazing pic...i love how your blog is full of great shots....i enjoyed coming here!

  2. You my friend :-) gave me the big laf this morning!! My caliber?? with the camera, oh oh oh I just such a small small amature you know.
    I really like your picture a lot, it is funny and very interesting seeing someting different than you cant expect seeing in your ouw country. Hope you understand what I try to explain.

    Have a nice Sunday my friend.
    Hee it`s -7 gC this day, and we are prepering to Christmas :-)
    Hugs from Anne

  3. Beautiful carving.

  4. Wow! Beautiful statue. Very interesting!

  5. As that you are into photography, I thought that you may be interested in a monthly blog posting called “5 on the fifth” where You can either take 5 random pictures of anything that happens to you on the 5th of November (or the days leading up to it) or perhaps go for my suggested theme.

    Just post your pictures on your own blog and then post a comment on MY blog with your name, location and link to your site – I then update the entry so the world has your link. Remember to mention my blog on your own blog so that your visitors get to see the other contributions.


    Here’s a link to my blog:

    and a link to the “5 on the fifth” entries:

  6. I like the way you toned this photo. Everything about the image pays homage to the history. Excellent.

  7. You have got lots of wonderful pictures from your amazing world :)

  8. Yes I remember this.
    Well taken and presented.

  9. I must say this is a very interesting shot! You have a great hand on camera :) Loved the colorscheme the most! Awesome stuff :)

  10. I must say this is a very interesting shot! You have a great hand on camera :) Loved the colorscheme the most! Awesome stuff :)
